Organization: Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Registration deadline: 22 Jan 2017
Starting date: 05 May 2017
Ending date: 14 May 2017
During this specialisation course, participants get acquainted with the underlying philosophical approaches, theoretical concepts and practical tools for facilitating conflict transformation in complex constellations. Participants will develop skills and practice a facilitator’s attitude to apply their knowledge in different settings (eg. as inside mediators, as third party, or when working with potential veto groups) and at different societal levels. A strong focus on self-reflection is an integral part of the course.
Participants will:
learn the difference between concepts, such as conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, dialogue, mediation, negotiation, facilitation
apply tools for complex conflict analysis (actors mapping, structural power analysis, analysis of cultural meanings, needs analysis)
learn how to deal with emotions and irrational aspects of conflict
develop key competencies how to promote, support and guide reflective “deep dialogue” processes
develop strategies how to deal with dynamics of exclusion and stigmatisation, as well as power asymmetries in conflict constellations
How to register:
To request further information or to apply for IPT courses, please visit our homepage at or contact us!
Silvia POLSTER, IPT Administration and Logistics | +43 3355 2498 506